Speaker information

The call for proposals for will close at 16.00 (UK time) Wednesday 11 September 2024

Click here to download the 2025 Speaker Proposal Guidelines

Eligibility for submitting a proposal

Key dates and deadlines

Proposals for Edinburgh 2025 open: July 2024
Proposal submission deadline: 4pm (UK time) Wednesday 11 September 2024
Proposal results: Late November 2024
Speaker payment deadline: Wednesday 18 December 2024
2025 Conference Selections submission deadline: To be confirmed

How to write an effective IATEFL conference proposal

How to submit

Once you are certain you meet the eligibility criteria and have read the guidelines, follow these steps to submit your proposal:

Key files and resources

If you are considering submitting a proposal, you may find the following resources helpful:

If you have any questions relating to being a speaker at the IATEFL Conference, please contact Sarah Ward, IATEFL Conference Programme Coordinator, at sarah@iatefl.org